An Online Portfolio. <3

About Me

Here’s a little bit about me…

Name: Lindsay Hamilton

Age: 20

Currently: In Atlanta, GA! But I’m from  Torrington, CT originally, it will always be the best hometown. 😀 I go to        Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta and I’m on my way to a BFA in Fashion Design. I love going to school and I am happy to know that it will be what I dabble in for the rest of my life. Cosplay, lolita, and sewing are all my favorite things in the world outside of my other hobbies like theater and being a vegetarian. ❤ So here’s a little blurb about myself that will sum it all up!

I run an online lolita fashion, jewelry and clothing business with my friend and cosplay partner in crime, Jennie Frey! You can see what we do over at ❤


I’m a nerdy girl who loves to sew,  cosplay/costume, sing, dance, watch old sci-fi, and just keep buggering on. xox

I am a lolita, a seamstress, an artist, a designer, a cosplayer. A lover of movies and world travel. I’m a steampunk at heart who loves the idea of living life as a sky pirate. I was a cupcake in a former life. I’m a Doctor Who fanatic and love all things Sci-Fi.

I live with a family of dysfunctional friends in Atlanta, GA, heart of the south and the new center of the universe to me. I’m from Connecticut and frequent NYC, I love the north… I just decided to migrate. I’m a nomad, a traveler that loves to keep moving around.


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